Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Burnout 2: Point of Impact Review (XBOX)

Burnout's reputation is not high for no reason. The reason why it has such a good reputation is seen in this game. At first burnout started off as being one of those small, not quite so big racing games, but somehow it was better. Yes it's all true burnout was not a particularly a huge title in the beginning, but as the company grew, so did it's reputation. If you are wondering, this is not some sort of second version of burnout 2 but a huge improvement. The graphics on this game look stunning. The cars look polished and amazing. One of the good things about this game is that it will attract all sorts of people to buy it. Yes it is a racing game, but there are much more things that you can unlock and do. Even some people who dont like racing games might buy it. This is because the game's crash mode, offensive driving 101, and pursuit mode make the game unique. And there is probably no other racing game out there which can match the speed of burnout games. In crash mode you find yourself near a crossroad, with LOTS of cars, and a boost (the boost allows your car to go faster than it would normaly do at top speed). As soon as you hear the words 'GO' you rush off like a mad man trying to hit as many cars as possible in a crash. If you hit one of those massive trucks fron the side of its front or back, it will usually turn around and block both lanes the road. Then you see all the mayhem, as tons of cars smash into the truck, thus giving you more and more points. Actually in Crash mode you gain money instead of points. By this I mean your score depends upon how much money's worth of damage you have caused. Once you have this game you will discover how much fun destruction can be. In pursuit mode you get to be a police car and chase cars which exceed the speed limit. In actual fact you only have to chase one car and you stop it by hitting it a certain amount of times. But be cautious because if you chase it for too long it will escape and you will have to do the whole thing again. This is also the bad point of the game, because you have to get a gold medal in EVERY SINGLE race in order to unlock all the tracks and new cars. This may seem easy at first but later on the cars become really quick all of a sudden and you will find yourself going over the same track over and over again just because you came first in every single race except one. This makes the game very tedious. There are so many unlockables in this game it will take you about a week to complete, or possibly less if you play 6 hours a day. This game is a must for all speed freaks and boy racer fans.
Sound 8/10 - Classic. Blends with the racing noises.

Gameplay 9/10 - All the cars handle great. This gives you a great sense of control. Grand Turismo fans however might not enjoy it as much.

Graphics 9/10 - Polished and very sleek. Some of the best graphics on racing

Value 10/10 - For £20 this game is a bargain and a must. If you have the money and see this game, buy it.

Final Score 8.1/10


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